Donald Trump back in the WWE? Don't count on it - CNBC

Donald Trump back in the WWE? Don't count on it - CNBC

Donald Trump has been taking on rival CEOs long before his raucous election run.

In 2007, World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE) staged a storyline between now President-elect Donald Trump and Chairman Vince McMahon.

At Wrestlemania 23, WWE superstar Bobby Lashley sided with Trump and defeated Umaga, who was in McMahon's corner. The loser had to have their head shaved off, resulting in McMahon going bald.

Fast forward nine years Trump is still linked to the WWE. Last week, Trump picked WWE co-founder Linda McMahon to lead the Small Business Administration.

Could this pave the way for round two of Trump versus McMahon in the so-called "Battle of the Billionaires"? Paul Levesque, better known by his ring name Triple H, didn't flat out deny, but didn't give much in the way of confirmation either.

"Wouldn't that be something, see who gets their head shaved," Triple H told CNBC in a TV interview when asked if Trump would return to the WWE for a match against McMahon.

The 14-time WWE champion did however say that he is proud of Linda McMahon being chosen by Trump and said that like other companies, the wrestling franchise is waiting to see what the new administration means for its business.

"We'll be waiting with the rest of the world to see what a Trump presidency means for everybody … We're honored as a family that Linda has been asked to be in that position … I think she'll do a phenomenal job. People forget that WWE started out as a tiny little company in the north east of the U.S. and has grown to a global brand, she knows a little something about small business creation," Triple H said.

"We've done a lot with Donald Trump over the years. He's been a great supporter of WWE he's been a great friend to us. We've had events at his building, he's been a participant at Wrestlemania … it's great to see him have the success he is having."