Indie Wrestler Likely Injured Going Into His WWE 205 Live Debut This Week (Videos) - Wrestling Inc.

Indie Wrestler Likely Injured Going Into His WWE 205 Live Debut This Week (Videos) - Wrestling Inc.

As noted, "Mr. 450" John Yurnet revealed on Twitter earlier this week that he blew out his knee during his WWE 205 Live debut against Mustafa Ali on Tuesday night. A GoFundMe page has since been created to help Yurnet with medical expenses and WWE has received a lot of heat from fans online for not helping Yurnet with the injury.

Word now is that Yurnet was actually injured several weeks back. He's worked recent indie events in Texas and Florida with a knee brace on. We've also heard that Yurnet was pulled from a recent Texas indie event because he was unable to wrestle. It should be noted that the GoFundMe does not mention Yurnet suffering the injury on 205 Live, just that he's suffered a severe right knee injury.

It's interesting that Yurnet went into his WWE 205 Live debut with an injury and even more interesting that he apparently withheld this information from WWE. We've reached out to WWE for comments and will keep you updated.

Below is video from a recent WWC match where Yurnet can be seen limping and video from a Lucha Elite match where the knee is clearly bothering him:

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