Beautiful Photos That Express Human Emotions: Happiness

50 Beautiful Photos That Express Human Emotions: Happiness

Sometimes we feel that nothing can make us happy and we even forget how to smile. But when we are surrounded with positive people that are content for what they have and laughing from the bottom of their heart, for sure you’ll catch their mood too.

Happiness is one of the basic form of human emotion, as Paul Ekman, an American psychologist , observed in his 40 years of study of emotions and their relation to facial expressions. Ekman examined the facial muscles, their contractions and relaxations and finds that they expressed very well our emotional state for a particular moment when they relax or contract. The interesting thing here is that most of our facial expressions are unconditioned reflexes so you have to do a lot of practice in the mirror if you want to simulate a particular emotion state.

In the collection of human emotion photos below you’ll see truly happy and joyful faces and I want you to have the same feeling. As I do my research regarding this article, one thing is for sure. The most happy persons in the world are the children. Even if they don’t have modern toys, or access to modern tech, they know how to play, laugh, smile and always have a good spirit. I recommend you, if you’re mood is down, to go out in a park and watch kids play or listen to your own and I’m pretty sure your get some good spirits.

In this round-up, I love to share with you some amazing human emotion photos that truly express happiness. I hope you’ll get the attitude of those people in the photos and enjoy every moment of your life.