'The boss' Sasha banks opens up to Sports Illustrated about some of the hardships of pro-wrestling as well her biggest inspirations
WWE RAW female champion Sasha Banks has revealed the hardest part of being a superstar wrestler.
When asked when she knew she wanted to be a WWE superstar Banks said: “I knew at the age of ten that I wanted to be a WWE Superstar.”
Women’s WWE champion Sasha BanksThe Women’s Champion told told Sports Illustrated: “It was always my dream. The moment that I started watching WWE on TV I just — I was instantly hooked and I knew that I wanted to be a wrestler.”
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The champion also opened up on some of the personal issues that come with being one of the biggest WWE RAW stars around.
“I am home maybe two days a week and I only see my mom maybe twice a year, my brother twice a year, and that is the hardest thing about being in the WWE is not seeing your family,” she added.
“But knowing that they get to see you on TV every single week living your dream, so it’s okay.”
Banks also said know what frustrates here most about being part of the WWE.
She said: “I think the biggest misconception is that — I don’t know, that I guess people think it’s fake.
“When it’s not, I get beat up every single week, I go home with bruises, always banged up, but it’s something that I love so much that I just I always keep pushing, it’s what I love.
“People think that — I hate that, I hate that people think it’s fake but if they got in the ring and they took a bump like we do every single week, legit travel like we travel every single week they would so appreciate every thing we did.”
The WWE diva let fans know who her biggest inspiration was when growing up and developing into the star she is today.
“There wouldn’t be Sasha Banks if there wasn’t Eddie Guerrero, he was truly my idol. I still look up to him to this day.
“Everything I do in the ring, I think ‘would Eddie do that? Would Eddie be proud of me?’ And if I got to meet him I would just tell him thank you.
“He changed my life and I would not be the person I am today if I never saw him wrestle the first time I did.”
Banks shocked the RAW crowd this week, being crowned Women’s champion for the third time, on a night where action amongst the male fighters was somewhat lacking.
This win marks the third consecutive time ‘The Boss’ has won the championship whilst not being on PPV, allowing the WWE to keep the PPV winning streak of Charlotte, alive.