WWE leaked document reveals what wrestlers are BANNED from doing - The Sun


If you ever wondered just how scripted wrestling is, this eye-opening revelation may answer all the questions you have

A LEAKED document has revealed what WWE wrestlers are banned from doing at live events.

And the revelations could destroy some of the love life-long wrestling fans have for the sports entertainment.

This is the leaked document that will proves some level of heartbreak to traditional wrestling fans

Here, Sunsport has a look at some of the scenarios wrestlers are told, in no uncertain terms, should not be carried out.

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No piledrivers

A mainstay of wrestling for years, the piledriver is one of the most well-known of moves.

However, it is believed to be one of the most difficult to make look good without putting an opponent in danger.

Think back to 1997 – Stone Cold Steve Austin was left with a broken neck after Owen Hart’s piledriver “went wrong”.

John Cena’s match-up against CM Punk on a Raw show back in 2013 saw the move permitted, but who knows whether it was agreed between the two athletes on the night.

Thje Undertaker, perhaps due to that he is a legend in the industry, has a variant of the piledriver, the Tombstone, but who’d tell “The Dead Man” that he wasn’t allowed to do it anymore.

However the Undertaker is still allowed, occasionally, to use his modified piledriver, the Tombstone

Referees “should not be compromised”

Back in the day, the referee would often make some big impact in matches.

Whether it would be “getting knocked out” so as being unable to deliver a count, or even “screwing over” and opponent, the man in the black and white striped shirt was often the talking point.

Referees used to play a bigger part in matches back in the day, like this, but now they should “not be compromised”

But the leaked document states that the referees should “not play a factor in the finishes”.

So that’s one scenario out the window.

They should also not be “compromised”, meaning their roles have certainly been minimised since the days of the Hebner brothers taking a whack.

No chairs, tables or belt shots

One way to get the crowd on their feet was to introduce some heavy cladding, in the form of a chair shot, or a belt to the face.

However, that’s now a no-no, according to the leaked document.

Apparently these kind of moves need to be “approved first”. So if the crowd fall flat during a match, the wrestlers are unable to inject that level of ferociousness into it anymore.

Don’t start doing “your own thing”

Wrestlers are clearly not stupid, and know how to wind up the crowd.

This can in turn generate a better atmosphere and ultimately lead to a better match-up.

However, the leaked document reveals that wrestler should not take on any “impromptu talent promos”, and that these must have been agreed beforehand.

Wrestlers are not allowed to “take a walk during their matches”.

Who thinks wrestling isn’t scripted?

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John Cena was the only wrestler allowed to engage in yeh-boo with the crowd, according to the leaked document

And you know you’ve made it when… No-one is allowed to do the yeh-boo stuff except John Cena

One of the first next-gen wrestlers, John Cena has developed a successful career away from the ring on film and television.

And the leaked document shows just how big time he is – he is the only one on the roster allowed to appeal to, or wind up the crowd.

10 game-changing WWE moves including Stone Cold and HHH
WWE leaked document reveals what wrestlers are BANNED from doing - The Sun
WWE leaked document reveals what wrestlers are BANNED from doing - The Sun
WWE leaked document reveals what wrestlers are BANNED from doing - The Sun
WWE leaked document reveals what wrestlers are BANNED from doing - The Sun