WWE News: Will Dean Ambrose Face Off Against Shane McMahon At 'Wrestlemania 33'? - The Inquisitr

WWE News: Will Dean Ambrose Face Off Against Shane McMahon At 'Wrestlemania 33'? - The Inquisitr

With the preparations in full swing for SmackDown’s last brand-specific pay-per-view event of the year, TLC: Tables, Ladders, and Chairs, the WWE news reports are going into overdrive about what will be next for the SmackDown superstars afterwards. And, of course, the main question is still on everyone’s mind: What’s Dean Ambrose going to do for WrestleMania 33 after TLC: Tables, Ladders, and Chairs?

According to Forbes’ latest WWE news report, wrestling fans can expect to see Ambrose face off against Shane McMahon when WrestleMania 33 comes to Orlando next year. Part of the reason why Ambrose will be facing off against Shane McMahon is because he’d like to regain his standing in the company, as it seems as though newcomer James Ellsworth — who recently signed a multi-million dollar contract with the company — is stealing his thunder.

Ambrose has had a rather rough year, and he’s struggled for most of 2016 trying to retain his status as the Blue Brand’s top babyface. Unfortunately, WWE creative felt it necessary to reduce his presence to little more than parlor tricks and hokey comedy that, according to Forbes, takes away from his former status as a champion wrestler.

And Forbes’ claims about an Ambrose/McMahon face-off at WrestleMania 33 are substantiated by Mid-Day’s latest WWE news report. According to them, it’s the only logical progression from the fight between Ambrose and “The Phenomenal One” AJ Styles at TLC: Tables, Ladders, and Chairs.

But in the meantime, Ambrose is almost forced to push James Ellsworth, as was evidenced by the fact that Ellsworth was participating in “The Ambrose Asylum” talk show segment. However, according to Mid-Day, this talk show is yet another example of the hokey storylines that WWE creative keeps giving to Ambrose, which not only tarnishes his legacy as a member of the legendary Shield but diminishes his abilities as a fighter. And this tactic is unusual for the SmackDown brand, who prefer to focus on the fighters’ abilities rather than on hokey storylines (as Raw tends to like to do). Either way, it doesn’t work well for the Blue Brand.

According to Give Me Sport’s latest WWE news report, Shane McMahon’s plans for WrestleMania 33 seem to change as much as the SmackDown storylines.

Originally, McMahon was scheduled to fight Brock Lesnar at WrestleMania 33 as an act of vengeance for Randy Orton but that all changed when Goldberg defeated The Beast Incarnate in 90 seconds during the Survivor Series.

Lacking a worthy opponent for McMahon, WWE then started leaking reports that McMahon was set to fight Ambrose. And while it seems like this fight is set to happen, it doesn’t do much for either fighter’s career, nor is it in line with any current story line.

However, there seems to be an undercurrent of tension between the fighters, even if it’s only manufactured for drama.

“The WWE have started to show some on-screen tension between the pair already, and they’re doing it now so they can set up the feud for later, while The Lunatic Fringe is still involved in some feuds, such as challenging AJ Styles for the WWE World Championship at the TLC pay-per-view. They’re claiming nothing significant will happen between McMahon and Ambrose until the rivalry with The Phenomenal One comes to an end. This suggests Ambrose could potentially complete his long rumoured heel turn in time for that match if it’s definitely the feud they decide to go with.”

What do you think of this latest WWE news report? Leave your thoughts about the latest WWE news about Dean Ambrose in the comments below.

[Featured Image by Joachim Sielski/Bongarts/Getty Images]