WWE News: Women's Division In Trouble After WWE Fires Key Creative Team Member - The Inquisitr

The WWE Creative team is an enigma that continues to change, well, except for the McMahon family. Stephanie and Vince have led the charge for writing wrestling television for several years. It’s gone thru changes every few years, but the same result still comes about consistently. The WWE Creative team takes the blame when wrestling fans complain about the product. At its core, WWE Raw and Smackdown Live are television shows that need writers to make it happen.

What most WWE fans don’t know is that it’s not the WWE Creative team’s fault when something goes to television and it’s subpar. Normally, the team consists of at least 15-20 members coming up with ideas, pairing up with wrestlers for segment plans and the production of promos. Whatever they come up with goes directly to Vince and Stephanie. From there, they will decide what they like or dislike. That usually takes place several hours before WWE Raw.

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[Image by WWE]

Brian Gewirtz, known as the man behind the Rock’s promos and segments, was one of the head WWE Creative team members for a long time. As talented as he was, Vince would still need to approve what he wrote. That goes for anybody for every, single show. There may be great ideas that come into those writing meetings, but if Vince doesn’t like them, it will never make air. For example, somebody could’ve booked CM Punk and Stone Cold Steve Austin in a fantastic manner. Vince is the final approval everyone needs.

Just like in life, things can change at the drop of a hat. That goes for anything on television and what happens inside the office. Writers come and go, but few stay a long time to earn the trust of Vince and other executives. According to Daily Wrestling News, there was a “WWE Creative shake-up” with one key member of the WWE Creative team getting let go, but there’s more to the story.

“Tom Casiello oversaw both RAW and SmackDown writing teams and had been a key person who was very influential in the push of the female WWE Superstars as of late. He also worked on long-term storyline plans. Casiello was a former soap writer and first worked with WWE from 2006-2012, then returned in December 2016.”

F4WOnline was the first to report the news. It comes as a huge surprise, especially dealing with the recent spike of women’s wrestling in the main event scene. A recentInquisitr post talked about Shane McMahon’s attempt to take it all over in 2012, so a sudden shift in Creative isn’t out of the question at any time. As a soap writer, Casiello had all the training to be a great writer for wrestling television.

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[Image by WWE]

The Voices of the Voiceless podcast on Twitter notified that he was a driving force in the decision for the women in the main event.

Any ideas that were for the women going forward could wind up changing completely. With Vince still at the helm, anything is unpredictable. Charlotte and Sasha Banks are the leads on WWE Raw. Becky Lynch and Alexa Bliss, along with Carmella, Natalya, and Nikki Bella hold down the fort on Tuesday nights. If Casiello was writing both shows for the women, then it’s up to Vince as to who takes his place.

For Charlotte and Banks, the “final chapter” took place at WWE Raw. All of a sudden, they are having another match at WWE Roadblock: End of the Line, in an iron man match. Will this truly be the final angle, and will Charlotte win at another pay-per-view?

[Featured Image by WWE]


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