WWE Superstars Eat Jelly Beans With DISGUSTING Flavors (VIDEO) - Pro Wrestling Sheet (registration) (blog)

jelly beans wwe roman reigns beanboozled challenge wrestling wrestlers

If you hate Roman Reigns, you might enjoy this video … because the United States Champion and other WWE Superstars were recently forced to eat incredibly gross flavored jelly beans.

The whole thing was for a product called the BeanBoozled Challenge which features a game that makes you eat flavors like stinky socks, canned dog food, barf and dead fish.

Roman Reigns’ poison? The spoiled milk flavor. And he clearly doesn’t like it.

Other superstars who play along include Enzo Amore, Alicia Fox, Rusev, Big Cass, Kofi Kingston, Chris Jericho and Seth Rollins.

Swerved fans, this is your cup of tea.

Ryan Satin

Ryan Satin

Editor in Chief at Pro Wrestling Sheet

Head Honcho at the Sheet, Former TMZ Senior Producer, Watcher of Too Much Television and Wrestling Enthusiast Forever

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