Between The Dirt Sheets: Let the Ronda Rousey-WWE rumors commence - FanRag Sports (blog)

Between The Dirt Sheets: Let the Ronda Rousey-WWE rumors commence - FanRag Sports (blog)

The Royal Rumble is soon. As I’ve preached during previous postings of Between The Dirt Sheet, that tends to signal the high-volume period of rumors circulating around the world of professional wrestling. With that being said, let’s take a voyage through three fun ones from the previous week.

Ronda Rousey To The WWE Rumors Have Begun

Rousey to the WWE, in a variety of different ways, will forever be an Internet Wrestling Community staple. Following her loss during her latest non-scripted fisticuffs battle, even more whispers have begun to be heard among those who are waiting for the day for Ronda to whoop on some WWE talent.

The most recent rumors run the full gambit. Some say the loss makes her WWE appeal at an all-time low. Others, however, believe the loss means Rousey is done with the UFC and will turn to the world of pro wrestling to help her fill a competitive void.

Another has to deal with the idea of her coming to the WWE, but only as a part-time talent. This is the one that’s currently floating about the mean streets of the Internet the most recent.

According to that rumor, the goal would be for the Rousey-angle-payoff to happen at this year’s Wrestlemania.

Odds of this rumor being true: 3.045 out of 5

This one is tough. I can see all sides of this. Her appeal might be down from a credibility standpoint, but she’s still a major draw. At the same time, save for filling an athletic void, Rousey might have safer avenues available to her to make cash money than pretend fighting with Stephanie McMahon.

The WrestleMania Card Will Be Finalized In Two Weeks

According to the Wrestling Observer Newsletter, the WWE will have its Wrestlemania card finalized in two weeks.

That’s still almost three months removed from the granddaddy of them all, but the report states that — with the Royal Rumble being the last major hurdle — there will be few obstacles left for the WWE to get around in terms of setting the card that far in advance.

Odds of this rumor being true: 0.0342 out of 5

A card, not THE CARD, might be penciled in within two weeks, but there’s a near-zero percent chance that whatever the WWE does in regards to that will be finalized. The company is so fluid with its booking decisions that there is no way to sincerely believe the company will create a Mania card in two weeks, then not make any change. Because of the word “finalized” in the report, this is basically malarkey. Semantics, sure, but it is what it is.

WWE (And TNA) Has Major Interest In The Hardy Brothers

According to the Wrestling Observer Newsletter (again), both Jeff and Matt Hardy’s TNA contracts expire sometime in February.

Not only is TNA looking to re-sign both, but the WWE is also interested due to the huge merchandising potential they will bring.

Before their contracts were this close to expiring, TNA previously attempted to sign both talents to exclusive deals. However, it is believed that it will take a lot of money to do that since the two make so much doing indie shows.

Also in the report, it notes that the brothers might be weary of heading back to the WWE because the company appears to be shifted toward focusing on its younger talent. It is an odd observation, as the WWE has treated some older, returning veterans with a great platform since the brand-split.

Odds of this rumor being true: 4.84 out of 5

Of course, both companies are going to be interesting in those guys. The WWE can benefit from not only parlaying some nostalgia into a ratings bump, but there’s a ton of great work Matt and Jeff can do for the company — as singles performers or as a tag team.

From the TNA side, naturally, the money aspect will be an issue.

Anyway, the only reason this didn’t get a 5 out of 5 is due to the note that the Hardys might be concerned about the platform the WWE would give them. Both would likely, at least initially, be given the world.