WWE News: WWE May Cancel Seth Rollins vs. Triple H Feud For 'Wrestlemania 33' - The Inquisitr

The feud between Seth Rollins and Triple H finally coming to WWE television seemed like it was written in stone for Wrestlemania 33, but WWE could be hitting the breaks on their rivalry for the grandest stage of them all. The reasons why don’t make much sense considering there is nothing standing in the way of finally bringing their feud to the grandest stage of them all, which is what WWE seemed to be waiting for all year.

WWE has been patient and careful about how to book their feud over the past year. Triple H hasn’t been seen on WWE TV since his betrayal of Rollins in the Fatal Four Way that crowned Kevin Owens as the WWE Universal Champion. HHH’s actions still haven’t been explained, and now Rollins is calling for his former mentor’s head on a weekly basis on Raw. The Architect vs. The Game seemed imminent for Wrestlemania.

It’s been reported that the reason why WWE officials have delayed Triple H’s return to WWE television was to wait for the end of Monday Night Football. Their logic was bringing back The Game before the end of the year would have been a waste because Raw would have been overshadowed by the NFL or the Presidential Election all the same. WWE felt it was better to wait for 2017, but now they’re having second thoughts?

triple-h-may-not-wrestle-at-wrestlemania-33[Image by WWE]

According to a recent report, the upcoming card for Wrestlemania has undergone “key changes,” which may include WWE officials canceling the feud between Seth Rollins and HHH. This is all speculation since the specific changes to the card for Wrestlemania haven’t been revealed, but creative plans are likely being changed based on what WWE has planned for the WWE Royal Rumble at the end of the month.

That doesn’t change the fact that it’s odd WWE officials would potentially want to cancel Rollins vs. Triple H when their feud has been building for roughly two years, and the opportunity for their payoff is finally there on the grandest stage of them all. Obviously, a win over HHH at Wrestlemania 33 would help Seth Rollins become WWE’s top babyface in the entire company. However, there could be much more to the story.

Another report is claiming that The Undertaker will be the only “non-regular” wrestler who will be wrestling on the Wrestlemania card. That wording is hard to understand, but aside from Brock Lesnar and Goldberg, it’s questionable if WWE officials consider Triple H as a “regular” performer on WWE television. On paper, he hasn’t wrestled a match since Wrestlemania 32, so doesn’t that mean he’s a non-regular performer?

seth-rollins-is-expected-to-get-the-win-over-triple-h-in-their-feud-whenever-it-happens[Image by WWE]

Of course, WWE officials may consider Triple H a “regular” performer on the WWE roster because he’s The Game. He’s been a staple of WWE programming for two decades, so he may be excluded from that. If that is the case, Rollins vs. Triple H may continue as planned and this is all just harmless speculation. However, if their match is still being canceled, it’s been reported that WWE officials have a backup plan for Rollins.

Apparently, Vince McMahon is also interested in Finn Balor’s return to Raw leading to the continuation of the feud with Seth Rollins left over from WWE Summerslam. Their dynamic would be quite different now because the latter is a babyface, but the Balor vs. Rollins feud had a lot of potential before Finn got hurt. The two men are going to cross paths again, but should it come at the expense of ending Rollins vs. Triple H?

Keeping Seth Rollins busy in Orlando isn’t the only issue. HHH not wrestling at the event would be a waste of his momentum, especially since the WWE Universe still wants to know why he betrayed Rollins over the summer. Odds would have HHH getting involved at the WWE Royal Rumble, but if The Game is nowhere to be found at the PPV, then WWE may very well have canceled Rollins vs. Triple H for Wrestlemania 33.

[Featured Image by WWE]