WWE Kansas City Live Event Results (11/26): Styles vs Ambrose Street Fight, Ellsworth Appears, Corbin Wrestles ... - Wrestlezone

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(Photo by Marc Pfitzenreuter/Getty Images)

WWE Kansas City Live Event Results
Kansas City, MO
Results Courtesy of Tyler Daniels

The Miz (w/ Maryse) defeated Dolph Ziggler

This match was initially billed as an Intercontinental Championship match but Miz got on the mic before the match, said Kansas City was horrible and that his lawyer contacted him and said he didn’t have to defend the title so he wasn’t going to. The Miz was getting booed before the event even started. He’s such a great heel. Your typical Miz/Ziggler match, which isn’t a terrible thing, with Dolph picking up the win.

American Alpha, Hype Bros and Apollo Crews defeated The Ascension, The Vaudevillians, and Curt Hawkins.

Was happy to see The Vaudevillians (Simon Gotch wrestled for a local KC promotion before going to NXT, but I seemed to be the only one who knew/remembered/cared). The Ascension got the main amount of offense in and drew a number of “Oohs” and applause. Wish they’d get booked more like they did in NXT. A pretty average match overall, then again I’m never a big fan of 10-man tag matches.

Baron Corbin defeated Jack Swagger

Baron Corbin with a big pop due to being from KC. Was super surprised that Jack Swagger was here. As the person next to me said “I forgot he was still with WWE”. Not a great match overall but the hometown crowd didn’t mind. Corbin with the End Of Days for the win. After the match Corbin got on the mic and said something about his mom and his brother (the mic was super echoy and hard to understand) and that he was the best thing to ever come out of Kansas City and demanded another opponent.

Kalisto defeated Baron Corbin

Kalisto comes out and wins in a super short match. Corbin got no offense in and Kalisto won with a hurricanrana pin combination. After the match Corbin ran to the outside and grabbed a chair to remind the crowd that their match at TLC is a chairs match. Worst match of the night if solely because of the length.

Kane defeated Bray Wyatt (w/ Luke Harper)

Kane is getting up there but I was a lot more excited to see him than I thought I would be. A Kane/Wyatt match on TV to me is meh but seeing it live was pretty cool. Bray Wyatt’s entrance is great live. Kane’s entrance without the pyro is underwhelming. No Randy Orton (presumably because of his kid). Wyatt spent a lot of time getting hit then rolling to the outside. Messed around with the crowd a lot while Luke Harper kept doing the HBK flex on the outside. Sister Abigail got countered into the Chokeslam for the 1,2,3.


Heath Slater and Rhyno defeated Breezango in a Smackdown Tag Team Championship match

“Oh no” said the person next to me once Breezango made their way down the ramp. No fashion tickets delivered tonight but they were given a lot more time to work then they usually are. It was nice considering how talented Breeze and Fandango are outside their characters. Heath Slater took the brunt of the beating before the Rhyno hot tag. Gore. 1,2,3. Match over.

Becky Lynch defeated Alexa Bliss, Nikki Bella, Carmella, and Natalya in a Smackdown Women’s Championship match

Nikki Bella got a huge pop from the kids. Didn’t realize how over she was. Nothing too exciting here but as solid of a match as you’d expect from these five. Becky Lynch won with the Dis-Arm-Her on Alexa Bliss. After the match Bella and Lynch hugged and walked to the back together to the delight of all the Lynch/Bella fans around me.

AJ Styles defeated Dean Ambrose in a Street Fight Match for the WWE World Championship

James Ellsworth made a surprise appearance as the special guest time keeper for the match much to the chagrin of AJ Styles. Ambrose got the loudest pop of the night but Ellsworth was a very close second. “Street Fight” really meant “One kendo stick and a chair” but it was a very solid match overall. Styles won with the Phenomenal Forearm in relatively clean fashion. After the match Styles came back into the ring with a kendo stick but Ellsworth ran in to protect Ambrose and ended up delivering No-Chin Music with Ambrose hitting Dirty Deeds after to send the crowd home happy.