December 16, 2016 | Mick Foley — 'Taking Time Off' From WWE … Company Says He's NOT Suspended - Pro Wrestling Sheet (registration) (blog)

mick foley wwe wrestling general manager

Pro Wrestling Sheet has learned Mick Foley is taking the rest of the month off from appearing on WWE programming … but the company insists he hasn’t been suspended or released.

A rep for WWE tells us, “Mick is taking time off to spend the holidays with his family and do his volunteer work as Santa. He has not been released or fired.”

The move is slightly odd, considering he’s in the middle of a storyline involving Sami Zayn. Plus, he’s the main authority figure on Raw and no mention was made of this on the show this week.

WWE officials add, “He will return to Raw on Monday, January 2.”

Ryan Satin

Ryan Satin

Editor in Chief at Pro Wrestling Sheet

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