WWE Rumors: Goldberg vs John Cena match to highlight Royal Rumble - Headlines Global News

It is rumored that there will a fight between John Cena and Goldberg in 2017
It is rumored that there will a fight between John Cena and Goldberg in 2017

WWE rumors reveal an astonishing match-up between Goldberg and John Cena in 2017, a news that got fans to cheer and get excited. 

The fans clamored for another comeback fight for Goldberg after a successful WWE Survivor Series 2016. Goldberg defeated Brock 'The Beast' Lesnar. Goldberg has been away from the wrestling ring for 12 years.

John Cena has also been out from the game for the past few months. He is currently shooting a TV series, American Grit Show, for the Fox TV Network. Fox has renewed the series for another season after its first season ended on June 9.

But Cena will make a comeback in WWE Live Holiday Tour scheduled on December 26. He will be up against AJ Styles and Dean Ambrose in a triple threat match for the WWE Championship.

Cena was apparently unhappy at the return of Goldberg. Reports claimed that he was disappointed at WWE CEO Vince McMahon for the special treatment the owner is giving Goldberg.

Goldberg and Lesnar only earn $6million per year compared to Cena's $9.5million, even though Cena feels that WWE has taken his dedication and will to fight for granted. 

He feels that with the spotlight on Goldberg, he should soon be getting more than what he is currently earning. Goldberg's announcement that he'll take part in the 2017 Royal Rumble also adds to his earning plea.

Because of all these reasons, WWE fans call on a fight between Goldberg and John Cena in the next year's Royal Rumble. Goldberg has yet to answer on the fans' request but whoever he will be fighting come Royal Rumble, he is still a happy wrestler. 



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