Wrestling botch: Pair clash heads as miscalculated move sees WWE match abandoned - The Sun


Match abandoned at NXT taping after wrestler badly hurt in horror accident

A match at WWE NXT was stopped after two wrestlers were badly hurt in a botched ‘powerbomb’ move.

Sunny Dhinsa and Gzim Selmani – known collectively as tag team Authors of Pain – performed the move on two enhancement wrestlers.

WWE NXT match stopped by referee after spot goes brutally wrong during TV taping

But what followed went far from according to plan.

The move is supposed to involve throwing one wrestler on top of the other but the bumbling stars ended up launching the pair directly at each other’s heads.

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The match was immediately called to a halt by the referee as doctors entered the ring to check on their conditions.

The Authors of Pain attempted a 'powerbomb' move But the two enhancement wrestlers clashed heads and were knocked out The injured pair were reported to be decked out for a full five minutes

A spectator said the ordeal went on for around five minutes.

Luckily, the pair recovered and were able to walk out of the ring without the need for assistance from doctors or coaches.

WWE NXT match stopped by referee after spot goes brutally wrong during