Though it undeniably got off on the wrong foot last year, WWE's "#DivasRevolution" eventually did find its footing, and the women are now presented as the tough, athletic competitors that they are. It was far from a smooth transition, however, and there were many bumps and hiccups along the road to this point.
Many fans who watched through the era of the Butterfly belt may have believed the entire division (although commonly excusing Natalya) needed a clear-out to make way for the up-and-coming female talent from NXT, however mainstays like Nikki Bella, Naomi and Alicia Fox have been eager to show their ability to keep up with the new wave and justify their place on the roster.
NXT Takeover Toronto's women's championship bout between Asuka and Mickie James proved that even the previous generation of WWE Divas had what it takes to put on great matches if only given the time and opportunity. This raises the question - how many women suffered from being in the WWE at the wrong time? Now that their 'Superstar' status is in place, the Butterfly has flown away, and the Revolution is given time to be televised - here are 10 former WWE "Divas" who could have flourished in 2016.