Update On The WWE Network Adding Independent Wrestling Content, Who Is WWE Considering? - Wrestlezone

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Photo Credit: Getty Images

Dave Meltzer recently noted on an episode of Wrestling Observer Radio that Vince McMahon has decided he does want some “hot indies” available on the WWE Network.

In the past few weeks WWE has sent out a survey via their Fan Council asking fans what promotions they would like to see available on the WWE Network. The companies listed on the survey include Ring of Honor, EVOLVE, CZW and several others.

WWE also sent out a survey earlier this year asking fans about potential pricing plans at $4.99, $9.99 and $14.99. When that survey was released the promotions listed as part of the pricing packages were TNA and ROH.

WWE then issued one more survey this fall asking fans which promotions they were watching: PWG, CHIKARA, EVOLVE, DGUSA, OVW, AAW, CZW, Shimmer, SCW, ROH and FIP.

There’s no confirmation on which independent promotions will sign with WWE to make their content available on the WWE Network quite yet. Meltzer does say that the next few months will be very interesting for the business of professional wrestling with some potential changes on the way. He also speculated that the deal and alliances WWE forms right now with independent promotions could be similar to the relationship they’ve formed with WWN Live.