WWE legend Scott Hall posts picture of Christmas tree online… and forgets to turn off the PORN on his TV - Mirror.co.uk

WWE legend Scott Hall posts picture of Christmas tree online… and forgets to turn off the PORN on his TV - Mirror.co.uk

He's in the WWE Hall of Fame. He's a four-time WWF Intercontinental Champion.

But after this howler, we fear former wrestler Scott Hall will forever be the guy who innocently tried to share a picture of his Christmas decorations… and revealed his smutty viewing habits to the world.

The 58 year-old American went by a series of nicknames during his ring career, including Razor Ramon and Starship Coyote. However, perhaps 'Diamond Studd' was his most suitable moniker, judging by this Instagram post:


'Just put my tree up' reads the post. Unfortunately, that does indeed appear to be porn on Hall's TV, to the right.

Hall has since deleted the post, perhaps unsurprisingly.

However, the man who wore gold chains and flicked toothpicks at rivals (that's what his WWE biography tells us, anyway) has at least taught us all a very valuable lesson.

Wrestler Scott Hall
Wrestler Scott Hall: social media guru (Photo: Birmingham Post and Mail)

When sharing photos from your living room, please do take care to ensure you have at least turned off the filth on your telly.