WWE News: Jim Cornette Calls The Revival The Best Tag Team In The WWE - The Inquisitr

WWE News: Jim Cornette Calls The Revival The Best Tag Team In The WWE - The Inquisitr

Jim Cornette is one of the most outspoken former WWE stars there is and most of his YouTube and podcast appearances end up in epic rants against the WWE and today’s state of professional wrestling. However, in a recent interview with Total Wrestling Magazine (via 411mania), Jim Cornette actually had something nice to say about one WWE tag team.

When asked if there was anyone in the WWE that impressed him right now, Cornette was quick to point out The Revival. When talking about the former NXT tag team champions, Cornette actually said he had watched the recent Revival vs. #DIY match and was very impressed with the action.

“The Revival are such a great tag team. I enjoy watching those guys. They have an uncommon level of sharpness that guys these days just don’t have. If they were wearing body suits and masks, you could say that they’re Tully Blanchard and Arn Anderson. They’ve got the pantomime – the way they move their bodies, the crispness, the ring positioning, little things that veterans would notice as being proper and sharp. Along with their great psychology – they build their matches.”

The match Jim Cornette saw was the recent title match between The Revival and #DIY, which was a match-of-the-year contender. Tommaso Ciampa and Johnny Gargano were painted as desperate faces looking for their big break and The Revival were the perfect WWE heels, looking to just stomp them down.

The first match took place at NXT TakeOver: Toronto, where The Revival defended their tag team titles against Tommaso Ciampa and Johnny Gargano in a two-out-of-three falls match. It was an amazing match and arguably the best on the show.

Up next is the rematch, which is coming in this next set of pre-taped NXT TV shows. There will be no spoilers here, but fans in attendance reported that the rematch was another great match between the two teams.

As for Jim Cornette’s statement about The Revival looking a lot like Arn Anderson and Tully Blanchard, that is exactly right. Cornette has said that he doesn’t pay attention to the WWE product unless fans point out something he should watch. That is probably why he might not know that is the entire gimmick for The Revival.

With so many wrestlers trying to hit high impact moves and fly all over the ring, The Revival have a slogan that says “No Flips, Just Fists.” While a team like American Alpha, who The Revival beat for the NXT tag team titles, is similar to the Steiner Brothers or The World’s Greatest Tag Team, The Revival is just old-school wrestling at its finest.


However, what Jim Cornette sees and many NXT fans have come to love is that The Revival are not boring in any way. They have great tag team double-teaming moves and work like a well-oiled machine. The Revival just might be the best tag team in the WWE, as Jim Cornette believes. As the former manager of the Midnight Express, Cornette knows a lot about tag teams.

The Inquisitr previously reported that The Revival also might be about ready to head to the WWE main roster. The best spot for them might be SmackDown Live. Right now, it looks like the tag team of Randy Orton and Bray Wyatt might be starting a feud with American Alpha, and The Revival could be a perfect follow-up feud for American Alpha after that, reviving their NXT feud from earlier this year.

[Featured Image by WWE]