Over the course of wrestling, there have been some amazing heels. The Nature Boy Ric Flair, Rowdy Roddy Piper, and Bobby “The Brain” Heenan set the bar very high when it came to how a heel in the WWE should look and act. In an interview with the International Business Times, Eva Marie said that she is excited to return to the WWE and wants to become one of the best heels in the business.
However, Eva Marie took it one step further. It seems that she wants to top even names like Roedy Roddy Piper on that list.
“I’m really excited to bring everything that I had learned from NXT and put that into the character on SmackDown Live and be one of the biggest, if not best heels the company has ever seen.”
Many WWE fans might roll their eyes at that, but Eva Marie was actually getting a lot of attention after SmackDown Live drafted her in the WWE brand split. She never wrestled after the brand split because she started a gimmick where she came up with excuses each week not to wrestle.
Then, ironically, the Inquisitr reported that Eva Marie was suspended for failing the WWE wellness policy, which is the company’s drug tests. It was almost perfect for someone who wouldn’t compete. Add in her completely over-the-top entrance with a huge bombastic voice-over introducing her, and Eva Marie was getting real boos for a change instead of jeers.
The problem was that WWE fans had been booing Eva Marie for a long time before that for a completely different reason. Eva Marie signed with the WWE in 2013 and quickly picked up a role on Total Divas. She tried to make her mark right off the bat by slapping Jerry “The King” Lawler.
However, when fans saw Eva Marie wrestle, the catcalls started. Fans chanted “you can’t wrestle” and legitimately booed her every time she botched a move. After E! News reported that Eva Marie suffered ruptured breast implants in a match, more and more fans started jeering her every time she appeared on television.
However, in the IBT interview, Eva Marie seemed oblivious as to why the fans were booing her. She remarked that she loves to hear the boos, almost thinking that it is the same boos that heel stars get, possibly causing her to believe she could be the greatest heel of all time.
“I embrace it with open arms. Even top guys come up to me and they’re like, ‘You don’t understand. We would pay for that heat.'”
The comment has interesting timing. Just this week, Ariel Teal Toombs, the daughter of Rowdy Roddy Piper, was talking about the new biography of her father – one that he started and she finished along with her brother. When asked about her dad, she had kind words about his abilities to affect fans in the WWE.
“I think that’s probably the most valuable lesson he taught me. You have to live it and breathe it. You have to do it all the time. You have to be constantly working on your craft, and you have to be prepared.”
“He was one of the most hated villains, and then two years later he was one of the most beloved That’s something that didn’t happen at the time. People learned to love the art of the villain through him, and really started rooting for the heel.”
It is that hard work that made Rowdy Roddy Piper arguably the greatest heel to ever work in the business. Eva Marie might have a long way to go to reach that level in the WWE.
Eva Marie followed up her WWE wellness suspension by remaining absent from WWE television and filming the movie Inconceivable with Nic Cage and Faye Dunaway. That has caused Eva Marie to talk about her recent return to the WWE rings.
As the Inquisitr previously reported Eva Marie said that she also wants to become a huge star like The Rock. Eva Marie said that she wants to have a huge career in the WWE and in Hollywood and thinks she has the talent to rival The Rock in that arena.
[Featured Image by WWE]